How is it possible
you need to take paid lessons and TWO tests to legally drive a car but you can raise a child with absolutely ZERO knowledge?!
(about half the cost of an after school club)
‘the BEST parent you can be for your child’
You start Chapter 1 – The Essentials of Parent-Child Cooperation
Here, you’ll learn how to quickly and calmly handle your kid’s most common refusals:
At the end of this chapter, your child will say “Yes, Mommy,” more and more often, and you’ll hear “No!” and “I don’t want to!” less and less often.
You begin Chapter 2 – The Fundamentals of a Balanced Parent.
Here, you’ll learn how fluctuating between permissiveness (this notion of giving your kid all the things you didn’t have) and strictness (an approach in which an over-involved parent comes up with rules or punishment along the lines of “you do what I say while under my roof”) has a detrimental impact on your child.
By the end of this Chapter, you’ll know:
Time to start Chapter 3 – Self-Esteem and Optimal Motivation.
Here you’ll learn how to work through all those moments when your child isn’t sure of themselves, they’re shy or afraid, or they say, “But I don’t know how to do it! I can’t do it! You do it! I don’t understand! Olivia is better than me at maths! I’m the worst!”
After you apply the techniques in this Chapter, you will have a child who faces criticism with their head held high and takes feedback as a learning opportunity instead of a failure.
On to Chapter 4 – A Competent Child Is a Responsible Child.
Here you’ll see how you can raise a child who doesn’t leave their dirty socks lying around, toys scattered across the floor, or a dirty plate on the table.
In other words, your child will understand more and more what their responsibilities are and will take them on. You will know how to hand over certain responsibilities to your child and how to help them become competent, without nagging or policing them and without you doing things for them.
You start Chapter 5 – Top Methods for Getting Kids to Cooperate.
In this chapter you will see how you can avoid situations where:
After going through this chapter, you’ll have a child who hears you, who understands what you ask of them, who says “yes, mom” more and more often. And all these because you now know how to establish rules they actually follow, and how to obtain their cooperation without punishment, bribes, threats or giving in.
You start Chapter 6 – Solving Problems and Making Decisions.
Step by step, you’re going to learn what to do when your kid comes to you with a problem so that you can teach them to be resourceful when you’re not able to help them or when they find themselves in very challenging situations.
In this chapter, you’ll learn how you can avoid situations where:
At the end of this chapter, you will have a child who knows how to handle conflicts, whether they have a fight over a toy or another child is picking on them.
Now on to Chapter 7 – Managing Emotions.
In this chapter, you’ll look at how to manage situations where:
You will see how to raise a child who doesn’t get into a fight every time they feel fear or anger, a more balanced child, who is emotionally and even physically healthier, since fear and stress are harmful to our physical health.
You’re now at Chapter 8 – How to Prevent and Deal With Challenging Behaviour.
In this Chapter, you’re going to learn what to do when your child talks back, saying hurtful things, or sticks their tongue out – without resorting to punishment or saying damaging things like “You’re awful” or “I can’t stand you.”
By the end of this Chapter:
Moving into Chapter 9 — Discipline and Consequences.
In this Chapter, you’re going to learn what to do when nothing else seems to work. When you’ve tried every technique and method, rule or boundary, and all that being said, your child still doesn’t listen to you and doesn’t act responsibly.
More precisely, you’ll see how to use discipline and firmness combined with warmth, without harming your relationship with your kid, particularly in those moments when they won’t pick up their toys or clean their room, or they hit a sibling or another child.
Next is Chapter 10 — Getting All Family Members On Board
In this chapter, you will learn how to avoid situations where:
This will help you have a family that works as a team, where everyone knows their role and no one asks, “Why am I the only one doing this?”
An Episode from the All About Parenting Program
when they’ll be adults.
Lifetime Access to the All About Parenting Program+Coaching
5 spots only
and GET 15% OFF
$1500 $1275
You have 14 days to test the program. If you watch the video episodes, put the techniques into practice and don’t get the results you want or feel that these methods don’t suit you, we’ll refund your money (all of it).
About Patrick Ney ,
All About Parenting Lead Trainer
Patrick Ney is the father of 2 wonderful girls and the internationally accredited Lead Trainer at All About Parenting, the only parenting methodology based on the Self-Determination Theory and latest research in the science of motivation.
As one of the most active parenting experts in the UK, he has organized over 2000 seminars, conferences, and intensive workshops for more than 600,000 parents from around the world.
Do you often feel like you need an extra set of hands? Do you feel that you need at least 50 hours a day to check off everything on your to-do list before you can finish that parenting book sitting on the bedside table?
In a blink of an eye, your little one will be all grown up. Will you have taken the time to understand what was happening with your child at each integral stage of their development?
This is your chance to, not only receive that information, but to get your hands on science-based parenting methods backed by the latest research on Self Determination Theory. These easy-to-apply techniques can be adapted to almost any parenting problem, and can be refered back to again and again.
You’ve no doubt discovered that you and your partner have slightly different views when it comes to raising your children. This program will teach you the neccesary steps to avoid conflict during those “hard to navigate” situations that may bring imbalance to your relationship and family.
Think about it this way: If you two can’t agree, what sort of example is that setting for your child?
All About Parenting teaches you how to turn mistakes into learning opportunities, helping you to discover techniques that will make ‘the job of being a parent’ feel like a breeze.
Follow the yellow-brick road towards a balanced household and your child’s cooperation
Do you tell your child to turn off the TV and they start screaming or crying, or on a good day, they try and negotiate more screen time out of you?
Are your demands to pick up the toys greeted with that look of: “I don’t want to!” or verbalization of, “Right now? Do I have to?”
During lunchtime does your child is pester you for a plate of chips instead of your healthy soup?
Does every day feel like a minefield littered with ‘No’s, whining, endless negotiations and intermittent tears (sometimes, crocodile ones)?
Instead of putting your head in your hands and crying too, follow in the footsteps of over 60,000 parents who have learned proven techniques that work and can help you turn your child’s ‘No’s into ‘Yes’s.
What parents say about the program
Follow the yellow-brick road towards a balanced household and your child’s cooperation
Do you tell your child to turn off the TV and they start screaming or crying, or on a good day, they try and negotiate more screen time out of you?
Are your demands to pick up the toys greeted with that look of: “I don’t want to!” or verbalization of, “Right now? Do I have to?”
During lunchtime does your child is pester you for a plate of chips instead of your healthy soup?
Does every day feel like a minefield littered with ‘No’s, whining, endless negotiations and intermittent tears (sometimes, crocodile ones)?
Instead of putting your head in your hands and crying too, follow in the footsteps of over 60,000 parents who have learned proven techniques that work and can help you turn your child’s ‘No’s into ‘Yes’s.
when they’ll be adults.
Lifetime Access to the All About Parenting Program+Coaching
5 spots only
and GET 15% OFF
$1500 $1275
You have 14 days to test the program. If you watch the video episodes, put the techniques into practice and don’t get the results you want or feel that these methods don’t suit you, we’ll refund your money (all of it).