Parenting Coach  – your chance to meet regularly with your team of certified All About Parenting coaches.

Gear up for another insightful week with our Parenting Coach sessions!

What happens here?

It offers the specific support parents like you have said you most need:

The chance to ask our coaches specific questions about your child’s behaviour, to hear the answers live and discuss possible solutions;

Support to help you make the best of the All About Parenting programme;

A dedicated and non-judgemental space where someone is ready to listen and offer guidance;

The encouragement and inspiration you need to have confidence in your own parenting decisions.

How can you register?

All About Parenting is one of the world’s leading organizations in parenting education. We help parents to learn science-backed solutions to the most pressing problems in relationship with their children. In the last 10 years, All About Parenting has held almost 4,000 seminars, conferences and intensive workshops for more than 2,000,000 parents worldwide. We believe that the relationship between parents and children is the #1 area in which education can make the greatest difference.

Discover the All About Parenting programs and
events for parents exclusively in the Parents App.
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