Find your way and guide your child towards a carefree
childhood with
Parents Mentor

Instant answers on WhatsApp to all your parenting challenges

A parent’s journey is filled with many ‘crossroads’
Discover the right path with Parents Mentor

When you first welcomed your child into your world, you probably pictured the journey ahead as one that would be filled with love, laughter, and tender moments of connection..

But the road you find yourself on is somewhat different from the one you imagined..

Because, whilst your love for your child runs deeper than anything you’ve ever known, being a parent can sometimes feel… overwhelming.

It’s tough when they ignore your requests to tidy their rooms, when you have to yell just so they’ll get in the bath, and when they pay more attention to their phone than you.

Nothing tests your patience more than being a parent.

But, despite the fact that you’d still choose to be their parent all over again, you crave a deeper, more meaningful connection free from tension, frustration, and power struggles.

Above all, you want to parent with confidence and break free from the constant feeling that you could be a better mom or dad.

When the road feels long and difficult, step by step,
Parents Mentor will help you find your way

When you feel like your parental ‘compass’ is wavering, what you need more than anything is someone to talk to.

If your child only pays attention to you when you raise your voice or resort to punishments, it is often best to seek advice to get you back on track.

You’re just afraid that the moms on Facebook will judge you or that your grandma might say that you’re being “too soft” - and this makes you hesitate. Your neighbor has been helpful in the past, but she doesn’t always answer her phone. And your partner’s always too tired in the evenings to have a proper conversation.

What you really need is someone who can offer non-judgmental support any time of day or night. Someone who can suggest practical and actionable solutions to your parenting challenges. You want insights grounded in evidence and experience, not just the questionable advice you find online or the opinion of yet another mom at the park.

For parents like you, we’ve created Parents Mentor, a revolutionary program providing direct answers to your child-related questions, easily accessible from your phone at the touch of a button.

How do you use
Parents Mentor?

Parents Mentor was thoughtfully designed to be your constant companion, conveniently accessible right on your phone through a familiar platform: WhatsApp.

Here, you can freely ask any question you have Well, almost any question - though we’re well-versed in parenting, our expertise doesn’t extend to crafting delicious cheesecake recipes. 🙂

So, confidently ask about anything related to your child’s behavior. From the classic, ‘How can I get my kid to eat their broccoli?’ and ‘How do I encourage my child to share with other kids?’ to ‘How do I get my teenager off of their phone?’ You can ask as many questions as you want - there’s no limit; ask 5 or 500, and you’ll receive a response in as little as 2-3 minutes.

And this isn’t just any response. Our answers in Parents Mentor are directly linked to the comprehensive All About Parenting program, a web-based resource founded on the latest advances in child psychology.

It encompasses 10 chapters packed with practical strategies to overcome parenting's toughest challenges, from refusals and tantrums to bullying and challenging behaviors such as hitting, screaming, biting, and swearing. With over 55,700 parents globally already enrolled, the program is empowering parents worldwide to raise their children with greater tenderness and warmth.

Parents Mentor acts as that supportive friend who listens without judgment. It offers practical solutions that can be applied on the spot - whether your child won’t go back to sleep at 2 am because they’ve decided that they’re Batman or during those difficult moments when your confidence wavers.


$19.99/month, instead of $39.99/month
$0.66/day, that’s less than half the cost of a daily bottle of water, paving the way for a happier family life.

7-Day Money Back Guarantee

Dive into the empowering world of Parents Mentor risk-free for the next 7 days. If the methods aren’t your perfect fit or the answers don’t quite hit the mark, fear not – we will offer you a full and prompt refund.

What will you discover with
Parents Mentor?

On WhatsApp

Answers to an unlimited number of questions

Access 24/7

Solutions both day and night because a parent’s job never stops

Science for parents with love

Access solutions already tested by thousands of parents inside the All About Parenting program

What will you discover with
Parents Mentor?

Parents Mentor isn’t going to tell you how many miles it is to the nearest beach. 🙂

Instead, you’ll discover expert ‘guidance’, day or night, to help you face your most difficult parenting challenges, like when your child:

Essentially, whenever the demands of parenting get too much, whether you’re raising a toddler, a preschooler, a school-aged child, or even a teenager with the attitude to match – you’ll have a source of expert support and solutions at your fingertips.

To date, 3.839 parents
have received more than
27.518 answers to
their challenges
in nurturing their relationship
with their children.

“It really felt like I had my own personal parenting expert that I could turn to whenever I got stuck. The advice I got helped so much, thank you!” (Line 306)
“I cannot thank you enough for your quick response to all my questions.” (Line 544)
“Thank you so much! Every discussion, insight, and piece of advice I have received has been invaluable.” (Line 556)
“Very helpful video! Thank you!” (Line 2082)

Remove the “blindfold”
and lead your child with open eyes

Parents Mentor will be the ‘map’ you can turn to when you feel like you’ve lost your way or taken a wrong turn in the relationship with your child..

If yelling, meltdowns, and punishments currently overshadow the warm embraces and loving exchanges between you and your child, you can access expert insights and practical solutions to get you back on track.

After all, every parent deserves to discover the path toward nurturing an independent and resilient child equipped for life’s challenges.

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