Our story and the All About Parenting long-term purpose

Urania Cremene
Author and Co-Founder
All About Parenting

My name is Urania Cremene, and my All About Parenting story began more than 20 years ago when I was teaching leadership courses to middle and top managers in the largest corporations in Europe.

Back then, I noticed that the skills that a corporation requires from their top managers – problem-solving, decision-making, time management, etc. – are exactly the same skills that parents would love to see in their children. The problem is that nobody teaches children how to acquire those skills, not even the school system.

In the same year my son was born – 2010 – I began giving seminars for 10-12 people at a time, teaching parents how to solve day-to-day problems and how to train leadership skills to raise autonomous children. The first workshops were based on the latest research on leadership and were two-day weekend events. I remember that I did the first workshop whilst still breastfeeding during breaks.

I quickly realized that this was my mission and that parenting was going to become more than a job. I’d found my vocation. In a short space of time, my mission took shape: to reach as many parents as possible. I wanted to help them and give them valuable, effective information so they could have well-balanced relationships with their children and raise them to be responsible. That way, their world tomorrow will be better than ours today.

This is how the first research-based parenting methodology emerged, along with our first online parenting program. Backed by the latest research in leadership and psychology, the program lasts 10 months, on the principle that, as it takes 9 months to bring a child into the world, it would make sense to spend at least the same amount of time learning how to raise them.

In 4 years, I went from being a “lone wolf” to working with more than 30 absolutely wonderful people. Today, the All About Parenting team is approaching 150 people, includes 7 different nationalities and presents in 6 languages to our clients around the world. 

In the last 10 years, over 2,000,000 parents have attended All About Parenting seminars, which we offer for free both online and in person.

Each Trainer in our team is a parent themselves and they have all followed a rigorous training and certification program spanning more than 12 months. Many of them have other accreditations as facilitators, coaches, psychotherapists or psychologists.

We now have over 1,000,000 parents reading emails from us every week or following us on Facebook, with another 60,000+ parents enrolled in the All About Parenting online program, determined to raise their children differently.

In 2023 we had the honor to be the official sponsor of the Self-Determination Theory Conference – one of the most important events in the field of academic psychology, taking place every 3 years. We also had the privilege to have Dr. Richard Ryan as a strategic consultant for our trainers and content.

The Team of All About Parenting trainers in Orlando, June 2023, with researchers Richard Ryan and Eduard Deci, authors of Self-determination Theory, the leading theory in human motivation
(The Team of All About Parenting trainers in Orlando, June 2023, with researchers Richard Ryan and Edward Deci, authors of Self-Determination Theory, the leading theory in human motivation)

Although All About Parenting began in Romania, from the start, I’ve been in contact with the work of many researchers from a number of universities worldwide (today, there are over 40 universities). What looked like just a local project at the outset gathered steam, and it has gradually expanded to other countries around the world.

This is because the fundamentals of the All About Parenting program (such as Self-Determination Theory) are universal and work regardless of language, culture, race, social class, etc. All About Parenting is not “one mom’s opinion”, like a lot of blogs on the subject, and doesn’t offer up “recipes” for you to follow. 

Instead, we “translate” complex concepts, tried and tested, from the latest research in psychology, and parents can choose their own path, having the right principles at hand.

In the last 3 years, we’ve translated, filmed and edited the All About Parenting program into German, Portuguese and Russian. In the next 5 to 10 years, we want to grow our team in Arabic-, Spanish-, French- and Italian-speaking countries.

Here is an example of a video episode from the All About Parenting program in English.

What we want to achieve at All About Parenting in the next 10 years

It might look like we’ve come a long way, but what we have achieved so far is very little compared to what we want to do in the next 10 years.

Ten years from now, we want to be operating in more than 30 countries. We realize that it’s a pretty crazy objective for a team as small as ours, but that just spurs us on even more.

Our vision is that by inspiring a “critical mass” of parents around the world to choose to learn All About Parenting, they will then inspire other parents to do the same.

Unfortunately, school doesn’t prepare us for day-to-day life. We’ve ended up believing (as a society) that there is no need or it’s not normal to learn about how to raise a fulfilled child.

There’s nothing that impacts our lives as much as the parent-child relationship (a.k.a. parenting). This is why we’ve decided to make it our team’s mission.

We want to make learning about parenting a social norm. Our vision is that one day, learning about the parent-child relationship (parenting) will be as normal as taking driving lessons before getting behind the wheel. And we are committed to making this a reality for more and more parents every day.

We think it makes no sense that human beings spend more time learning how to drive than they do learning how to raise a child.

We want to change this perception in the collective mentality.

And this is where we need your help.

Here are 4 ideas for how you can get involved…

Choose any of the actions below that suit you:

1) Follow and Like our Facebook English page here.

2) Write a review on our Facebook English page here.

This is how you pass on to other parents from all over the world the trust you have in us – especially if you’ve been following us for a long time.

It doesn’t need to be a long review. But it needs to be spelled correctly, even if there are only 2 words, like “Highly recommended!”.

3) Send us an email when you see an error.

There are too many people who don’t care. People who, when a problem arises, are the first to write a negative review without thinking to help.

Do the opposite. Send us an email and help us fix or improve things that don’t work at hello@allaboutparenting.com

Sometimes, we can fix it right away. Other times, we may not be able to resolve it the same day, but we do care, and we will do our best to get to it as soon as we can.

4) Do you want to be part of our team?

See what benefits and advantages you could have here. – coming soon

Are you already a customer? Even better! Almost half of our team members today were All About Parenting clients before joining the team.

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