How is it possible
you need to take paid lessons and TWO tests to legally drive a car but you can raise a child with absolutely ZERO knowledge?!
Laura M., mom and
All About Parenting graduate
Just $199 monthly

(about half the cost of an after school club)

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Learn what you can do to raise a child who is self-confident
“My child has low self-esteem.“
“He gives up so easily and starts crying when something doesn’t work out.“
“She never sees things through!“
“They don’t stand up for themselves.“
  • Learn how to raise a child who believes in their own strengths.
  • Raise your kid to have a healthy sense of self-esteem without turning them into a self-obsessed show-off.
  • Discover how you can raise your child to not give up easily and to get things done – whether it’s a simple puzzle or that challenging piece of homework.
  • Nurture skills in your child that will stay with them for a lifetime.
“You’re a bad mom. I hate you!“
“I don’t love you anymore!“
“Just leave me alone!“
  • Is your kid shouting at you and sometimes even hitting you on a daily basis?
  • Discover what lies behind your little one’s outbursts of rage and how to prevent them from happening.
  • Stop using old-school techniques that don’t work so you can teach your child to get on top of their emotions.
  • Uncover a treasure trove of techniques to help you practice patience in any situation.
  • Your
    journey through
    the program
    the journey from “where I am now” to
    “the best parent I can be for my child”
    Your 10-month journey
    to being a better parent
    or how to go from ‘accidental parenting’ to being

    ‘the BEST parent you can be for your child’

    Chapter 1 - All About Parenting
    MONTH #1
    You start Chapter 1 The A-Z of Parent-Child Cooperation.
    Learn how to handle your kid’s most common refusals quickly and calmly (think thumb sucking, refusing to turn off the tablet or even wearing inappropriate clothes to school).
    MONTH #1
    MONTH #2
    You begin Chapter 2 – How to be a Balanced Parent.
    The key to being a Balanced Parent is to understand your child’s 3 Basic Psychological Needs. Create a plan for your child and find out how your child’s brain is growing and changing and how that affects you. 
    MONTH #2
    Raspunsuri la intrebari - All About Parenting
    Every Parenting Question You’ll Ever Have? Answered
    If you’re stuck for inspiration or have a burning issue that you can’t solve, it’s easy. Just write your question under the relevant episode and Patrick Ney and the All About Parenting team will answer it. Learn from the answers to other parents’ questions. You’re never alone on your journey to being a Balanced Parent.
    Every Parenting Question You’ll Ever Have? Answered
    Chapter 3 - All About Parenting
    MONTH #3
    Time to start Chapter 3 – Nurturing Self-Esteem and Optimal Motivation.
    Learn what to do to nourish your child’s self-esteem and the essential steps that lead to motivation and performance. This chapter will transform your ability to raise your child to be successful and happy.
    MONTH #3
    Chapter 4 - All About Parenting
    MONTH #4
    On to Chapter 4 – Raising a Competent and Responsible Child.
    Discover how much freedom you should be giving your child to raise a well-balanced and responsible future adult. You’re going to learn 14 powerful techniques to help you supercharge your child’s skills, competence and abilities.
    MONTH #4
    Chapter 5 - All About Parenting
    MONTH #5
    You start Chapter 5 – Top Methods for Getting Kids to Cooperate.
    Balanced Parenting means you’ll have your child’s cooperation without resorting to rewards or punishments. You’re now well on your way to avoiding shouting or bribing and you have your child’s cooperation to boot!
    MONTH #5
    Chapter 6 - All About Parenting
    MONTH #6
    Start Chapter 6 – How to Solve Problems and Make Decisions.
    Problems? Parents got a lot of ‘em! But you’ll finally be able to decide which ones are yours and which belong to your kid. You’ll equip your child with the skills to understand and solve problems. And your life just got a lot easier 😉
    MONTH #6
    Chapter 6.2 - All About Parenting
    Solve conflicts between children
    Do you often find yourself yelling at your children to stop fighting? How to Solve Arguments Between Kids
    is a bonus short course that you’ll receive as a gift. You’ll learn exactly when to intervene and what to say to ensure your kids take ownership of their disagreements and squabbles.
    Solve conflicts between children
    Chapter 7 - All About Parenting
    MONTH #7
    Now on to Chapter 7 – How to Manage Emotions.
    Here, you’ll see how to avoid arguing with your children and other people. Teach your children to manage their emotions so you can nip tantrums in the bud and avoid meltdowns. Use powerful techniques to reduce the stress you feel in your body and relationships.
    MONTH #7
    Chapter 8 - All About Parenting
    MONTH #8
    You’re now at Chapter 8 – Was it on purpose? Handling Challenging Behaviour.
    Learn how to spot the difference between intentional and unintentional negative behaviours. Become a pro at preventing your kid’s challenging behaviours whatever their age. Understand how to focus on your child’s growth and responsibility.
    MONTH #8
    Chapter 9 - All About Parenting
    MONTH #9
    You begin Chapter 9 — Growing Responsibility in Your Kid: Discipline and Consequences.
    When you discipline your child using punishment, threats and shouting you teach them that’s the best way to live. Then… they use the same punishments on YOU. Time for a radical new approach. Learn how to raise your child to be responsible for their decisions and behaviours using discipline based on consequences.
    MONTH #9
    Chapter 10 - All About Parenting
    MONTH #10
    You begin Chapter 10 — How to Nurture Family Harmony.
    Learn to speak the same language as all the adults raising your child. Discover powerful methods from leading thinkers that will transform your relationships with your partner or other loved ones. Find out what to do when you’re in public places or when someone else criticises your parenting.
    MONTH #10
    Disclaimer: All the above descriptions may vary depending on (1) the moment you join the program (2) the initial offer received.
    About Patrick Ney,
    All About Parenting Lead Trainer

    Patrick Ney is the father of 2 wonderful girls and the internationally accredited Lead Trainer at All About Parenting, the only parenting methodology based on the Self-Determination Theory and latest research in the science of motivation.

    As one of the most active parenting experts in the UK, he has organized over 2000 seminars, conferences, and intensive workshops for more than 600,000 parents from around the world.

    Proven methods drawn from hundreds of science based works all neatly packaged just for you.

    Do you often feel like you need an extra set of hands? Do you feel that you need at least 50 hours a day to check off everything on your to-do list before you can finish that parenting book sitting on the bedside table?

    In a blink of an eye, your little one will be all grown up. Will you have taken the time to understand what was happening with your child at each integral stage of their development?

    This is your chance to, not only receive that information, but to get your hands on science-based parenting methods backed by the latest research on Self Determination Theory. These easy-to-apply techniques can be adapted to almost any parenting problem, and can be refered back to again and again.

    Speak the same language as your co-parent

    You’ve no doubt discovered that you and your partner have slightly different views when it comes to raising your children. This program will teach you the neccesary steps to avoid conflict during those “hard to navigate” situations that may bring imbalance to your relationship and family.

    Think about it this way: If you two can’t agree, what sort of example is that setting for your child?

    Punishment is NOT the solution, unless you want to raise a child who’s out of sync with the modern world. But permissive parents don’t raise children any better. So what can you do?
    Over 90% of parents lose their patience and tempers, falling back on methods that do not correctly deal with their child’s negative behaviors. In the long run, these parenting mistakes can destroy a child’s self-esteem, leading them to become insecure adults who are unfulfilled in their relationships.

    All About Parenting teaches you how to turn mistakes into learning opportunities, helping you to discover techniques that will make ‘the job of being a parent’ feel like a breeze.

    Follow the yellow-brick road towards
    a balanced household and your child’s cooperation.

    Do you tell your child to turn off the TV and they start screaming or crying, or on a good day, they try and negotiate more screen time out of you?

    Are your demands to pick up the toys greeted with that look of: “I don’t want to!” or verbalization of, “Right now? Do I have to?”

    During lunchtime does your child is pester you for a plate of chips instead of your healthy soup?

    Does every day feel like a minefield littered with ‘No’s, whining, endless negotiations and intermittent tears (sometimes, crocodile ones)?

    Instead of putting your head in your hands and crying too, follow in the footsteps of over 60,000 parents who have learned proven techniques that work and can help you turn your child’s ‘No’s into ‘Yes’s.

    What parents say about the program

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    Follow the yellow-brick road towards
    a balanced household and your child’s cooperation.

    Do you tell your child to turn off the TV and they start screaming or crying, or on a good day, they try and negotiate more screen time out of you?

    Are your demands to pick up the toys greeted with that look of: “I don’t want to!” or verbalization of, “Right now? Do I have to?”

    During lunchtime does your child is pester you for a plate of chips instead of your healthy soup?

    Does every day feel like a minefield littered with ‘No’s, whining, endless negotiations and intermittent tears (sometimes, crocodile ones)?

    Instead of putting your head in your hands and crying too, follow in the footsteps of over 60,000 parents who have learned proven techniques that work and can help you turn your child’s ‘No’s into ‘Yes’s.

    The only license that matters!
    Raise responsible children with healthy self-esteem.
    Lifetime access to the All About Parenting Program


    and GET 15% OFF
    $1500 $1275

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    or pay in up to 12 installments with Klarna
    100% money-back guarantee for 14 days

    You have 14 days to test the program. If you watch the video episodes, put the techniques into practice and don’t get the results you want or feel that these methods don’t suit you, we’ll refund your money (all of it).

    Frequently Asked Questions
    No, but they will be available via the app on your smartphone. The app will take you straight to the video episode where you left off the last time.
    No. All episodes remain in your account in Parents App. You can even re-watch everything a second and third time (many parents do that).
    No, the All About Parenting program is personal. The access details cannot be shared with others.
    You have 14 days to test the program. If you watch the video episodes, put the techniques into practice and don’t get the results you want or feel that these methods don’t suit you, we’ll refund your money (all of it).
    If you have not been able to go through a chapter that month or you have fallen behind, you can catch up at your own pace.
    You can ask any question under each of the program’s video episodes. These questions need to be related to that particular episode. Any questions that are not related to that episode’s subject will be removed to keep the answers relevant for all program members. Another advantage is that you can see the questions that all our program members have posted so you can learn as much from them and the answers they received as from the video episodes.
    Check your email because as soon as you have registered, you will receive an email with the details of how to start the program. You may have to wait 5-10 minutes – sometimes the emails arrive a little late. However, if you have still not received an email after 10 minutes (and there’s nothing in the Spam folder), please get in touch with us.
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